Wednesday, 24 July 2019

Beyond Hype

Look, right now, the world is screaming at us to try "Beyond Meat," or similar products; plant-based meat substitutes (PBMS).

I want to be clear: I'm ignoring the hype.

There are two conditions together under which I'll try plant-based meat substitutes:

1) Independent research indicating that PBMS are actually better for you than meat;


2) A price drop so that PBMS are cheaper than the meat they 'replace.'

That's it.

At the moment, everybody's jumping on the PBMS bandwagon because of some perception that it is 'better' for you. But, wait a minute--aren't PBMS highly processed, to begin with? That makes me leery, right there. Nothing simpler than meat.

And PBMS manufacturers are taking full advantage of the ignorance vacuum in this fledgling industry. We've all seen the fake-burgers commercial, where the old-fashioned meat world is dull and drab (even the burgers), while the PBMS side is colourful. The conclusion is obvious: PBMS must be better for you! And so we start stogging it in, without being aware of what it is that we are actually putting inside our bodies.

I think the historical record is full of enough mistakes (a few: DDT, leaded gasoline, and thalidomide) that it behooves us to do some research on this new food type before wantonly sucking it down.

No, until my Personal Advantage formula, above, is met, I won't be trying PBMS.

I encourage you to think for yourself, as well!


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