Here's a short list.
"Tempachure" This one bothers me a lot. In fact, the mispronunciation is so common that I genuinely believe that most people do not know the correct way. Ugh!
"Febyuary" Is it really that hard to pronounce the 'r' after the 'b'?
"Fitty" This one grates on my nerves. When you can't even pronounce "fifty," I... bleah. This one is now working its way into advertising, and in ten years, everybody but me will be saying it that way.
"Athalete" Why the compulsion to put a vowel between the 'th' and the 'l'? Jesus...
"Ezzackly" Yes, exactly.
"Gummint" This is more an Americanism, but it's being heard more frequently north of the border, these days.
"Ax" If I'm greeted one more time by a young person asking, "Hey, dude, can I ax you something?" I'll scream.
There are others; but these are the ones which really grate on my nerves.
Now, that said, I know that there are plenty of people out there who have bothered to learn the correct pronunciation of words; the problem is that there are plenty more who haven't. It's such a basic thing; we use language every single day of our lives.
Be well,