Getting Ready to Open Source
My weather system is starting to mature - it's at Version 3.10 now, and I frankly can't think of much to add to it, apart from an expanded environmental dataset - Snow-on-Ground, that sort of thing. I recently added queries and a data-extant flag, which tidies things up a bit.
So, I'm getting ready to open-source the whole works. It turns out that's taking some time.
First, I've got to document what I have. It's no easy proposition, but it has to be done. I've been at it for two days, now, and have some 22 pages complete. It's gonna be one of those projects.
Next, I'll have to tidy things up a bit and include a sample dataset. That'll take only a little work.
Thirdly, I've got to document the install procedure. That's a little bit involved but, again, a necessary evil.
All that, not just for the weather system, but for all of the support programs as well.
Once I've got all that together, then I've got to upload the works to sourceforge.